Monographien und Aufsätze

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Monographien und Aufsätze

AMES, SANFORD S.: Coming Home: Pynchon’s Morning in America, PYNCHON NOTES 26-27 (1990), pp. 115-23.

ARICH–GERZ, BRUNO: Dogsical Reading: Gravity’s Rainbow’s Reversals and Reader Response Criticism, in: PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), 293-303.

ARICH–GERZ, BRUNO: Betriebsgeheimnis des Glaubens: Thomas Pynchons Gravity’s Rainbow, in: Susanne Bach (Hg.), Spiritualität und Transzendenz in der modernen englischsprachigen Literatur, Paderborn: Schöningh 2001, 183-91.

ARICH–GERZ, BRUNO: Lesen—Beobachten: Modell einer Wirkungsästhetik mit Thomas Pynchons Gravity’s Rainbow, Konstanz, UVK, 2001.

ARICH-GERZ, BRUNO FRIEDRICH: Max Sachsa’s Bad Karma in Enzian’s Bathtub: A Bus Ride Through Gravity’s Rainbow’s Textscape, Pynchon Notes 50-51(2002), pp. 14-23.

BAKKER, JAN: "Nineteen Eighty-Four" and "Gravity’s Rainbow": Two Anti-Utopias Compared, in: WEMYSS, COURTNEY T. (ED), UGRINSKY, ALEXEJ (ED): George Orwell, Westport 1987, 204 pp.

BARNETT, STUART: Refused Readings: Narrative and History in "The Secret Integration," in: PYNCHON NOTES 22-23 (1988): pp. 79-85.

BENTON, GRAHAM: Riding the Interface: An Anarchist Reading of "Gravity’s Rainbow," in: PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), pp. 152-66.

BENTON, GRAHAM: This Network of All Plots May Yet Carry Him to Freedom: Thomas Pynchon and the Political Philosophy of Anarchism, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 535 (1999).

BERGER, JAMES: Cultural Trauma and the Timeless Burst: Pynchon“s revision of Nostalgia in "Vineland," – Department of English, George Mason University. POSTMODERN CULTURE v.5 n.3 (May, 1995).

BERSANI, LEO: Pynchon, Paranoia, and Literature, in REPRESENTATIONS, The Regents of the University of California, 25, Winter 1989, pp. 99-118.

BLACK, JOEL D.: Probing the Post-Romantic Paleontology: Thomas Pynchon’s "Gravity’s Rainbow," in: BOUNDARY Vol. 2 No. 8 (1980): 229-54.

BLOOM, HAROLD (ED.): Thomas Pynchon’s "Gravity’s Rainbow," New York, Chelsea House, 1986, VII, 127 pp.

BLOOM, HAROLD: Thomas Pynchon, New York, Chelsea House, 1986, VIII, 232 pp.

BOOKER, M. KEITH: A Probable Source for the Title of "The Small Rain," in: Pynchon Notes 22-23 (1988): pp. 75-77.

BOULTER, JOE: Children and Slaves in the West: Imagining Fraternity Among Outlaws in "The Secret Integration," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 519 (1999).

BROWNLIE, ALAN W.: Thomas Pynchon’s Narratives: Subjectivity and Problems of Knowing: Subjectivity and Problems of Knowing, Modern American Literature (New York, N.Y.), Vol. 24. 1. September 2000.

BURKET, RICHARD E.: The State Law Enforcement Apparatus as America: Authority, Arbitrariness, and the "Force of Law" in "Vineland," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 727 (1999).

BÜRGER, CHRISTA und PETER (ED): Alltag, Allegorie und Avantgarde, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, 1987, 214 pp.

CAESAR, TERRY and ASO, TAKASHI: Japan, creative masochism, and transnationality in "Vineland", CRITIQUE, Washington, Summer 2003. Vol.44, Iss. 4; pp. 371–386.

CHAMBERS, JUDITH: "Gravity’s Rainbow": The Night Mare’s Nest, pp. 123-188, in: CHAMBERS, JUDITH: Thomas Pynchon, New York, Twayne, 1992, 229 pp.

CHAMBERS, JUDITH: A Dazzle of Violet and a Green-Doped Hound: Pynchon’s Miracle of De-struction in "Gravity’s Rainbow," in: CRITIQUE, Summer 1991, Vol. XXXII, No. 4, pp. 258-273.

CHAPMAN, WES: Male Pro-Feminism and the Masculinist Gigantism of "Gravity’s Rainbow" — This article appeared in the May 1996 issue of POSTMODERN CULTURE and is still archived at PMC.

CHOTJEWITZ, PETER O.: Thomas Pynchon: Wie ein Film, der rückwärts läuft, in: Rowohlt Revue, Reinbek bei Hamburg, April, Mai, Juni 1993, p. 7.

CLERC, CHARLES: Mason & Dixon & Pynchon, University Press of America, Lanham, 2000.

COE, JUSTIN SCOTT: Haunting and Hunting: Bodily Resurrection and the Occupation of History in Thomas Pynchon’s "Mason & Dixon," in: RECONSTRUCTION, Winter 2002: Volume 2, Number 1.

COLLADO-RODRIGUEZ, FRANCISCO: Trespassing Limits: Pynchon’s Irony and the Law of the Excluded Middle, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 471 (1999).

COWART, DAVID: Germany and German Culture in the Works of Thomas Pynchon, pp. 305-318, in: FREESE, PETER (ED): Germany and German Thought in American Literature and Cultural Criticism: Proceedings of the German-American Conference in Paderborn, May 16-19, 1990, Essen, Die Blaue Eule, 1990.

COWART, DAVID: Pynchon and the Sixties, CRITIQUE, Washington, Fall 1999, Vol.41, Iss. 1; pp. 3–12.

CROWLEY, DENIS: Before the Oven: Aesthetics and Politics in "Gravity’s Rainbow," PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), pp. 181-198.

DARABANER, RICHARD: A Possible Source for the Title of "The Small Rain," in: PYNCHON NOTES 15 (1984): pp. 69-72.

DEN BOEF, AUGUST HANS: Thomas Pynchon, DIETSCHE WARANDE EN BELFORT, Jrg. 130, Okt. 1985, Nr. 8, pp. 592-598.

DUGDALE, JOHN: Thomas Pynchon: Allusive Parables of Power, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1990, 214 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 203- 211.

DUYFHUIZEN, BERNARD: An Index to Pynchon’s Shorter Works, in: PYNCHON NOTES 36-39 (1995-1996): pp. 7-34.

DUYFHUIZEN, BERNARD: "Gravity’s Rainbow," Operation Crossbow and the Culture of Containment, PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), pp. 49-58.

EDDINS, DWIGHT: The Gnostic Pynchon, Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1990, 173 pp. Literaturverz.: pp. 163-167.

FEDIRKA, SARAH: Crossing Boundaries: Social Borders & Alternative Realities in "The Crying of Lot 49," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 609 (1999).

FISCHER, NORMAN: Civic Republican Political/Legal Ethics and Echoes of the Classical Historical Novel in Thomas Pynchon’s "Mason & Dixon," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 557 (1999).

FOWLER, DOUGLAS: A Reader’s Guide to "Gravity’s Rainbow," Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1980, 297 pp.

GRANT, J. KERRY: A Companion to "The Crying of Lot 49," University of Georgia Press, 1994.

GRANT, J. KERRY: A Companion to "V.," University of Georgia Press, 2000.

HANSEN, ROBERT J.. Law, History and the Subversion of Postwar America in Thomas Pynchons’s "The Crying of Lot 49," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 589 (1999).

HAWTHORNE, MARK D.: A "Hermaphrodite Sort of Deity": Sexuality, Gender and Gender Blending in Thomas Pynchon’s V. in: STUDIES IN THE NOVEL, 29.1, Denton: Spring 1997, pp. 74-93.

HAYLES, N. KATHERINE: Caught in the Web: Cosmology and the Point of (No) Return in Pynchon’s "Gravity’s Rainbow," pp. 168-197, in: HAYLES, N. KATHERINE: Scientific Field Models and Literary Strategies in the Twentieth Century, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 208 pp. Literaturverzeichnis: 199-204. Robert M. Pirsig, D.H. Lawrence, Vladimir Nabokov, Jorge Luis Borges, Thomas Pynchon.

HELLER, ARNO: Gewaltphantasien: Untersuchungen zu einem Phänomen des amerikanischen Gegenwartsromans, Tübingen, Narr, 1990, 331 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 294-327. Interpretation: Hubert Selby, Joyce Carol Oates, James Dickey, Walker Percy, Thomas Pynchon, Ken Kesey, Robert Coover.

HERMAN, LUC, Introduction: Approach and Avoid, PYNCHON NOTES 42-43, 1998, pp. 9-11.

HITE, MOLLY: Ideas of Order in the Novels of Thomas Pynchon, Columbus, Ohio State Univ. Pr., 1983, X, 183 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 171-180.

HOHMANN, CHARLES: Thomas Pynchon’s "Gravity’s Rainbow": A Study of Its Conceptual Structure and of Rilke’s Influence, Peter Lang (1987), 421 pp. American University Studies Series IV, English Language and Literature.

HOLLANDER, CHARLES: Pynchon’s Inferno: A search for the sources of the well-known paranoia expressed in the works of our best-known recent alumnus author, CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS, Nov. 1978, pp. 24-30.

HOLLANDER, CHARLES: Abrams Remembers Pynchon, PYNCHON NOTES 36-39, (1995-1996), pp. 179-80.

HOLLANDER, CHARLES: Pynchon, JFK and the CIA: Magic Eye Views of "The Crying of Lot 49," PYNCHON NOTES 40-41, (1997), pp. 61-106.

HOLLANDER, CHARLES: Pynchon’s Politics: The Presence of an Absence. PYNCHON NOTES 26-27, (1990), pp. 5-59.

HOLLANDER, CHARLES: "Does McClintic Sphere in "V." Stand for Thelonius Monk?" – Forthcoming in NOTES ON CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE.

HOLTON, ROBERT: Real Imaginary Lines in "The Secret Integration," in: Pynchon Notes 40-41 (1997): 5-18.

HORVATH, BROOKE AND IRVING MALIN (ED): Pynchon and "Mason & Dixon," University of Delaware Press, Newark, 2000.

HUME, KATHRYN & KNIGHT, THOMAS J.; Orpheus and the Orphic Voice in "Gravity’s Rainbow," in: PHILOLOGICAL QUARTERLY, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Summer 1985, 64 (3), pp. 299-315.

HUME, KATHRYN: Pynchon’s Mythography: an Approach to "Gravity’s Rainbow," Carbondale and Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press, 1987, 262 pp. Literaturverz.: pp. 243-253.

HUME, KATHRYN: Repetition and the Construction of Character in "Gravity’s Rainbow," in: CRITIQUE, Summer 1992, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4, pp. 243-254.

ICKSTADT, HEINZ, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981, 330 pp. Bibliographie pp. 324-330.

IUDICELLO, KATHLEEN: Intruding Worlds and the Epileptic Word: Pynchon’s dialogue with the Laws of Surrealism and New Physics, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 505 (1999).

JACKSON, ROBERT: Intertextualism: The Case of Pynchon and Patrick White, PYNCHON NOTES 46-49 (2000-2001), pp. 60-104.

JOHNSTON, JOHN: Pynchon’s "Zone": A Postmodern Multiplicity, ARIZONA QUARTERLY, Vol. 46, No. 3, Autumn 1990, pp. 91-122.

KEBBEL, GERHARD: Geschichtengeneratoren: Lektüren zur Poetik des historischen Romans, Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1992, 186 pp. Zugl.: Universität Köln, Diss., 1991.

KEESEY, DOUGLAS: The Politics of Doubling in "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna," in: PYNCHON NOTES 24-25, 1989, pp. 5-19.

KHARPERTIAN, THEODORE D.: A Hand to Turn the Time: the Menippean Satires of Thomas Pynchon, Rutherford, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press 1990, 176 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 159-168.

KIHARA, YOSHIHIKO: Thomas Pynchon: Museifu–shugi–teki–kiseki no Uchu [Thomas Pynchon: The Universe of Anarchist Miracle], Kyoto, Kyoto University Press, 2001.

KING, VINCENT: Giving Destruction a Name and a Face: Thomas Pynchon’s "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna," in: STUDIES IN SHORT FICTION 35.1, 1998, pp. 13-21.

KITTLER, FRIEDRICH: Medien und Drogen in Pynchons Zweitem Weltkrieg, p. 240-259, in: KAMPER, DIETMAR und REIJEN, WILLEM VAN (ED): Die unvollendete Vernunft: Moderne versus Postmoderne, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 1987, 572 pp.

KOCELA, CHRISTOPHER: The Ends of Legal Fetishism: Oedipa Maas as Postmodern Cartographer, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 625 (1999).

KOCELA, CHRISTOPHER: Re-Stenciling Lesbian Fetishism in Pynchon’s V., PYNCHON NOTES 46-49 (2000-2001), pp. 105-30.

KOHN, ROBERT E.: Seven Buddhist Themes in Pynchon’s "The Crying of Lot 49," in: RELIGION AND LITERATURE, 35.1 (Spring 2003).

KOCZAUER, BARBARA: Rock and Roll will never die, in: TAZ Nr. 3036 Seite 16-17, 17.02.1990

KOLBUSZEWSKA, ZOFIA: The Poetics of Chronotope in the Novels of Thomas Pynchon, Lublin, Learned Society of the Catholic University of Lublin, 2000.

KUPSCH, KENNETH: Finding V. in: TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE, 44.4, Hempstead: Winter 1998. pp. 428-446.

LALO, ALEXEJ: Thomas Pynchon and His America: Enigmas, Parallels, Cultural Contexts, [in Russian], Minsk, RIVSH–BGU, 2001.

THE LAWYER’S STORY –Legal Narrative E-Texts, Tarlton Law Library, The University of Texas at Austin.

LAWRENCE, DAVID W.: Counterfeiting America in "Mason & Dixon," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 815 (1999).

LEVERENZ, DAVID: Verwirrung an den Enden der Parabel, pp. 147-171, in: ICKSTADT, HEINZ, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981. Orig: On Trying to read "Gravity’s Rainbow," in: LEVINE, GEORGE & LEVERENZ DAVID: Mindful Pleasures: Essays on Thomas Pynchon, Boston, Little, Brown, 1976, pp. 229-249.

MADSEN, DEBORAH L.: The Postmodernist Allegories of Thomas Pynchon, Leicester Univ. Press, 1991, 146 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 135-144.

MADSEN, DEBORAH L. Family Legacies: Identifying the Traces of William Pynchon in "Gravity’s Rainbow," in: PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), pp. 29-48.

MALTBY, PAUL: Dissident Postmodernists: Barthelme, Coover, Pynchon, Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1991, 215 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 199-206).

MATHIJS, ERNEST: Reel to real: Film history in Pynchon’s "Vineland," LITERATURE/FILM QUARTERLY, 29.1. Salisbury, 2001, pp. 62-70.

MATTESSICH, STEFAN: Ekphrasis, Escape, and Thomas Pynchon’s "The Crying of Lot 49," POSTMODERN CULTURE 8.3 (1998).

MCCARRON, BILL: "Catch 22," "Gravity’s Rainbow" and Lawlessness, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 665 (1999).

MCHOUL, ALEC W., WILLS, DAVID: Writing Pynchon: Strategies in Fictional Analysis, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1990, IX, 239 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 225-232. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990.

MCHUGH, PATRICK: Cultural politics, postmodernism, and white guys: Affect in "Gravity’s Rainbow", COLLEGE LITERATURE, Vol.28, Iss. 2, pp. 1–28, West Chester, Spring 2001.

MCLAUGHLIN, ROBERT L.: I.G. Farben and the War against Nature, pp. 319-336, in: FREESE, PETER (ED): Germany and German Thought in American Literature and Cultural Criticism: Proceedings of the German-American Conference in Paderborn, May 16-19, 1990, Essen, Die Blaue Eule, 1990.

MEAD, CLIFFORD: Thomas Pynchon: A Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Materials, Elmwood Park, Ill., Dalkey Archive Pr., 1989, VIII, 176 pp.

MELLEY, TIMOTHY: Empire of Conspiray, Ithaca, Cornell University Press 2000.

MORAN, JAY P.: How is Pynchon Related to the Law?, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 449 (1999).

NEWMAN, ROBERT D.: "Gravity’s Rainbow": Personal Density and the Arc of Preterition, pp. 89-135, in: NEWMAN, ROBERT D.: Understanding Pynchon University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina, 1986, 155 pp. Literaturverz.: pp. 139-146.

NIEMANN, NORBERT: Der Feind ist die Ich-Technologie: Versuch, Richtungen und Tendenzen für eine Prosa der 90er Jahre zu finden. KONZEPTE, Magazin für eine junge Literatur, 7. Jahrgang Juli/August 1990, pp. 3-12.

O'DONNELL, PATRICK, ED.: New essays on "The Crying of Lot 49," Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991.

OZIER, LANCE W.: Antipointsman/Antimexico: Some Mathematical Imagery in "Gravity’s Rainbow," CRITIQUE 16. No. 2 (1974), pp. 73-90.

OZIER, LANCE W.: Kalküle der Wandlung: Mathematische Bilder in "Die Enden der Parabel," pp. 172-196, in: ICKSTADT, HEINZ, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981. Orig. The Calculus of Transformation: More Mathematical Imagery in "Gravity’s Rainbow," Twentieth Century Literature, 21 (1975), 193-210.

PARK, EUNJUNG: A Study on Thomas Pynchon: Empire and the Postmodern [in Korean], Seoul, Daesun, 2000.

CYRUS R.K. PATELL: Negative Liberties: Morrison, Pynchon, and the Problem of Liberal Ideology, Durham, NC, Duke UP, 2001.

PEREZ-LLANTADA AURIA, CARMEN: Fiction at a Bifurcation Point: From Newtonian Law to Postmodern Uncertainty in Pynchon’s "Mason & Dixon," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 825 (1999).

POENICKE, KLAUS: Senex, Puer und Pikaro und Pynchons "Enden der Parabel," in: ICKSTADT, HEINZ, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981, pp. 228-254.

POENICKE, KLAUS: Die Rückkehr des Dionysos: Ordnung, Freiheit und ‘Regression’ in "Gravity’s Rainbow," in: HOFFMANN, G. (ED): Der zeitgenössische amerikanische Roman, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München 1988, Bd. 3, pp. 259-276.

PRICE, VICTORIA H.: Christian Allusions in the Novels of Thomas Pynchon, New York, Lang, 1989, 264 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 239-245.

PYNCHON NOTES – Cumulative Bibliography Issues 1 — 46-49.

REDFIELD, ROBERT AND HAYS, PETER L.: Fugue as Structure in Pynchon’s "Entropy," in: Pacific Coast Philology 12, 1977, pp. 50-55.

RIESE, UTZ: Die Fiktionalisierung der Wirklichkeit, TAZ, 12.9.1987, pp.17-19. Zuerst veröffentlicht unter dem Titel: Thomas Pynchon: "Die Versteigerung von No. 49," in: WEIMARER BEITRÄGE, 32, Oktober 1986, pp. 1687-1698.

REIJEN, WILLEM VAN: Post-Scriptum, p. 9-36, in: KAMPER, DIETMAR und REIJEN, WILLEM VAN (ED): Die unvollendete Vernunft: Moderne versus Postmoderne, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 1987, 572 pp.

REILLY, TERRY: "Gravity’s Rainbow," The Anabaptists Rebellions in Germany, 1525-35, and The Unfortunate Traveller, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 705 (1999).

REILLY, TERRY: A Couple-Three Bonzos: Introduction, "Slow Learner" and "1984," in: PYNCHON NOTES 44-45 (1999): 5-13.

RUSSEL, CHARLES: Aporien der Postmoderne: Thomas Pynchon und die Schwerkraft der Systeme, pp. 255-280, in: ICKSTADT, HEINZ, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981. Orig. Signs, Systems and Subversion.

SCHACHTERLE, LANCE: Pynchon and Cornell Engineering Physics, 1953-54, in: Pynchon Notes 26-27 (1990): 129-37.

SCHAUB, THOMAS H.: Pynchon: The Voice of Ambiquity, Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1981, X, 165 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 155-160.

SCHMUNDT-THOMAS, GEORG: America’s Germany and the Pseudo-Origins of Manned Spaceflight in "Gravity’s Rainbow," pp. 337-354, in: FREESE, PETER (ED): Germany and German Thought in American Literature and Cultural Criticism, Proceedings of the German-American Conference in Paderborn, May 16-19, 1990, Essen, Die Blaue Eule, 1990.

SCHROEDER, RANDY: Inheriting chaos: Burroughs, Pynchon, Sterling, Rucker, EXTRAPOLATION, 43.1. Kent, Spring 2002, pp. 89-98.

SCHWAB, GABRIELE: Entgrenzungen und Entgrenzungsmythen: zur Subjektivität im modernen Roman, zu Daniel Defoe, Herman Melville, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Thomas Pynchon, Stuttgart, Steiner, 1987, 246 pp. Zugl.: Universität Konstanz, Univ., Habil.-Schr.

SEED, DAVID: The Fictional Labyrinths of Thomas Pynchon, Iowa City, Univ. of Iowa Press, 1988.

SHERMAN, DAVID R.: A Case Study in Legal Deconstruction: History, Community and Authority in "The Crying of Lot 49," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 641 (1999).

SIEGEL, MARK: Pynchon’s Legal Landscape: Justice in "Mason & Dixon," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 439 (1999).

SIEGERT, BERNHARD u. KRAJEWSKI, MARKUS (Hrsg.): Thomas Pynchon. Archiv – Verschwörung – Geschichte, Bd. 15 von [me:dien^i], hg. von Claus Pias, Joseph Vogl und Lorenz Engell, Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften, Weimar, 2003.

SIMONS, JOHN: Third Story Man: Biblical Irony in Thomas Pynchon’s "Entropy," in: Studies in Short Fiction 14.1, 1977, pp. 88-93.

SLADE, JOSEPH P.: The Physics of Heaven, pp. 173-220, in: SLADE, JOSEPH P.: Thomas Pynchon, Lang, New York u.a., 1990.

SMETAK, JACQUELINE: Thomas Pynchon’s "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna": Major Themes in an Early Work, in: Iowa Journal of Literary Studies 4.1, 1993, pp. 65-76.

SPENCER, NICHOLAS: The "Law" of Simulated War in "Gravity’s Rainbow," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 681 (1999).

STARK, JOHN O.: Pynchon’s Fictions: Thomas Pynchon and the Literature of Information, Athens, Ohio: Ohio Univ. Pr., 1980, IX, 183 pp.

STEINER, WENDY: Collage or Miracle: Historicism on a Destructed World, pp. 323-351 in: BERCOVITCH, SACVAN (ED): Reconstructing American Literary History, Cambridge, Harvard University Press; 1986, T.S. Eliot: "The Waste Land" und Thomas Pynchon: "The Crying of Lot 49."

STEVENSON, CHERYL ANNE: The Never-Last Word: Parody, Ideology, and the Open Work, in: Dissertation Abstract International, Febr. 1987 47 (8); 3033A-3034A.

TABBI, JOSEPH: Pynchon’s "Entropy," in: The Explicator 43.1, 1984, pp. 61-3.

TABBI, JOSEPH: The Medial Turn. Review of Fiction in the Quantum Universe and Information Multiplicity, in: PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998): 317-27.

TANNER, TONY: The American Mystery: Essays on American Literature from Emerson to Pynchon, Cambridge University Press, April 2000.

THOREEN, DAVID: The President’s Emergency War Powers and the Erosion of Civil Liberties in Pynchon’s "Vineland," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 727 (1999).

TYLEE, CLAIRE: Spot This Mumbo Jumbo: Thomas Pynchon’s Emblems for American Culture in "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna," in: PYNCHON NOTES 17 (1985): 52-72. Rev. and rpt. from REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES 10 (1985): 141-56.

VANDERBEKE, DIRK: N Tropes for Entropy in Pynchon’s Early Works, in: PYNCHON NOTES 46-49 (2003): 35-59.

WALLEN, JAMES R.: The Absurdist Heroine: A Wildean Critique of Pynchon’s Uncertain Aesthetic, at Spermatikos Logos.

WAUGH, PATRICIA (ED.): Postmodernism: A Reader, London, Arnold, 1992, VIII, 226 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 219 - 223.

WEISENBURGER, STEVEN: A "Gravity’s Rainbow" Companion Sources and Contexts for Pynchon’s Novel, The University of Georgia Press, Athens & London 1988.

WEISENBURGER, STEVEN: Haunted History and "Gravity’s Rainbow," PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), pp. 12-28.

WELLERSHOFF, DIETER: Im Sog der Entropie: Thomas Pynchons "Die Enden der Parabel," in: Merkur, 42 (6), Nr. 472, pp. 471-488.

WHITE, ALLON: Ironic Equivalence: a reading of Thomas Pynchon’s "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna," in: Critical Quarterly 23.3, 1981, pp. 55-62.

WINKLER, WILLI: V3; oder: Nach der Revolution, TAZ, 3. April 1993, pp. 13-15.

WISNICKI, ADRIAN : A Trove on New Works by Thomas Pynchon? Bomarc Service News Rediscovered, PYNCHON NOTES 46-49, 2003, pp. 9-34.

WINSTON, MATTHEW: Auf der Suche nach Pynchon, in: Ickstadt, Heinz, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981, pp. 306-322. Orig. The Quest for Pynchon, Twentieth Century Literature, 21, (1975), pp. 278-287.

WOLFLEY, LAWRENCE C.: Parabeln der Verdrängung: Thomas Pynchon und die psychoanalytische Kulturkritik Norman O. Browns, in: Ickstadt, Heinz, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981, pp. 197-226. Orig. Repression’s Rainbow: The Presence of Norman O. Brown in Pynchon’s Big Novel, PMLA, 92 (1977), pp. 873-889.

ZADWORNA-FJELLESTAD, DANUTA: "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" and "Gravity’s Rainbow": A Study in Duplex Fiction, Stockholm University 1986, 123 pp.

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