Literaturverzeichnis Modern Literary Theory Weiterführende Literatur
Monographien und AufsätzeAMES, SANFORD S.: Coming Home: Pynchons Morning in America, PYNCHON NOTES 26-27 (1990), pp. 115-23.ARICHGERZ, BRUNO: Dogsical Reading: Gravitys Rainbows Reversals and Reader Response Criticism, in: PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), 293-303. ARICHGERZ, BRUNO: Betriebsgeheimnis des Glaubens: Thomas Pynchons Gravitys Rainbow, in: Susanne Bach (Hg.), Spiritualität und Transzendenz in der modernen englischsprachigen Literatur, Paderborn: Schöningh 2001, 183-91. ARICHGERZ, BRUNO: LesenBeobachten: Modell einer Wirkungsästhetik mit Thomas Pynchons Gravitys Rainbow, Konstanz, UVK, 2001. ARICH-GERZ, BRUNO FRIEDRICH: Max Sachsas Bad Karma in Enzians Bathtub: A Bus Ride Through Gravitys Rainbows Textscape, Pynchon Notes 50-51(2002), pp. 14-23.
![]() BAKKER, JAN: "Nineteen Eighty-Four" and "Gravitys Rainbow": Two Anti-Utopias Compared, in: WEMYSS, COURTNEY T. (ED), UGRINSKY, ALEXEJ (ED): George Orwell, Westport 1987, 204 pp. BARNETT, STUART: Refused Readings: Narrative and History in "The Secret Integration," in: PYNCHON NOTES 22-23 (1988): pp. 79-85. BENTON, GRAHAM: Riding the Interface: An Anarchist Reading of "Gravitys Rainbow," in: PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), pp. 152-66. BENTON, GRAHAM: This Network of All Plots May Yet Carry Him to Freedom: Thomas Pynchon and the Political Philosophy of Anarchism, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 535 (1999). BERGER, JAMES: Cultural Trauma and the Timeless Burst: Pynchons revision of Nostalgia in "Vineland," Department of English, George Mason University. POSTMODERN CULTURE v.5 n.3 (May, 1995). BERSANI, LEO: Pynchon, Paranoia, and Literature, in REPRESENTATIONS, The Regents of the University of California, 25, Winter 1989, pp. 99-118. BLACK, JOEL D.: Probing the Post-Romantic Paleontology: Thomas Pynchons "Gravitys Rainbow," in: BOUNDARY Vol. 2 No. 8 (1980): 229-54. BLOOM, HAROLD (ED.): Thomas Pynchons "Gravitys Rainbow," New York, Chelsea House, 1986, VII, 127 pp. BLOOM, HAROLD: Thomas Pynchon, New York, Chelsea House, 1986, VIII, 232 pp. BOOKER, M. KEITH: A Probable Source for the Title of "The Small Rain," in: Pynchon Notes 22-23 (1988): pp. 75-77. BOULTER, JOE: Children and Slaves in the West: Imagining Fraternity Among Outlaws in "The Secret Integration," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 519 (1999). BROWNLIE, ALAN W.: Thomas Pynchons Narratives: Subjectivity and Problems of Knowing: Subjectivity and Problems of Knowing, Modern American Literature (New York, N.Y.), Vol. 24. 1. September 2000. BURKET, RICHARD E.: The State Law Enforcement Apparatus as America: Authority, Arbitrariness, and the "Force of Law" in "Vineland," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 727 (1999). BÜRGER, CHRISTA und PETER (ED): Alltag, Allegorie und Avantgarde, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, 1987, 214 pp.
![]() CAESAR, TERRY and ASO, TAKASHI: Japan, creative masochism, and transnationality in "Vineland", CRITIQUE, Washington, Summer 2003. Vol.44, Iss. 4; pp. 371386. CHAMBERS, JUDITH: "Gravitys Rainbow": The Night Mares Nest, pp. 123-188, in: CHAMBERS, JUDITH: Thomas Pynchon, New York, Twayne, 1992, 229 pp. CHAMBERS, JUDITH: A Dazzle of Violet and a Green-Doped Hound: Pynchons Miracle of De-struction in "Gravitys Rainbow," in: CRITIQUE, Summer 1991, Vol. XXXII, No. 4, pp. 258-273. CHAPMAN, WES: Male Pro-Feminism and the Masculinist Gigantism of "Gravitys Rainbow" This article appeared in the May 1996 issue of POSTMODERN CULTURE and is still archived at PMC. CHOTJEWITZ, PETER O.: Thomas Pynchon: Wie ein Film, der rückwärts läuft, in: Rowohlt Revue, Reinbek bei Hamburg, April, Mai, Juni 1993, p. 7. CLERC, CHARLES: Mason & Dixon & Pynchon, University Press of America, Lanham, 2000. COE, JUSTIN SCOTT: Haunting and Hunting: Bodily Resurrection and the Occupation of History in Thomas Pynchons "Mason & Dixon," in: RECONSTRUCTION, Winter 2002: Volume 2, Number 1. COLLADO-RODRIGUEZ, FRANCISCO: Trespassing Limits: Pynchons Irony and the Law of the Excluded Middle, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 471 (1999). COWART, DAVID: Germany and German Culture in the Works of Thomas Pynchon, pp. 305-318, in: FREESE, PETER (ED): Germany and German Thought in American Literature and Cultural Criticism: Proceedings of the German-American Conference in Paderborn, May 16-19, 1990, Essen, Die Blaue Eule, 1990. COWART, DAVID: Pynchon and the Sixties, CRITIQUE, Washington, Fall 1999, Vol.41, Iss. 1; pp. 312. CROWLEY, DENIS: Before the Oven: Aesthetics and Politics in "Gravitys Rainbow," PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), pp. 181-198.
![]() DARABANER, RICHARD: A Possible Source for the Title of "The Small Rain," in: PYNCHON NOTES 15 (1984): pp. 69-72. DEN BOEF, AUGUST HANS: Thomas Pynchon, DIETSCHE WARANDE EN BELFORT, Jrg. 130, Okt. 1985, Nr. 8, pp. 592-598. DUGDALE, JOHN: Thomas Pynchon: Allusive Parables of Power, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1990, 214 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 203- 211. DUYFHUIZEN, BERNARD: An Index to Pynchons Shorter Works, in: PYNCHON NOTES 36-39 (1995-1996): pp. 7-34. DUYFHUIZEN, BERNARD: "Gravitys Rainbow," Operation Crossbow and the Culture of Containment, PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), pp. 49-58.
![]() EDDINS, DWIGHT: The Gnostic Pynchon, Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1990, 173 pp. Literaturverz.: pp. 163-167.
![]() FEDIRKA, SARAH: Crossing Boundaries: Social Borders & Alternative Realities in "The Crying of Lot 49," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 609 (1999). FISCHER, NORMAN: Civic Republican Political/Legal Ethics and Echoes of the Classical Historical Novel in Thomas Pynchons "Mason & Dixon," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 557 (1999). FOWLER, DOUGLAS: A Readers Guide to "Gravitys Rainbow," Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1980, 297 pp.
![]() GRANT, J. KERRY: A Companion to "The Crying of Lot 49," University of Georgia Press, 1994. GRANT, J. KERRY: A Companion to "V.," University of Georgia Press, 2000.
![]() HANSEN, ROBERT J.. Law, History and the Subversion of Postwar America in Thomas Pynchonss "The Crying of Lot 49," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 589 (1999). HAWTHORNE, MARK D.: A "Hermaphrodite Sort of Deity": Sexuality, Gender and Gender Blending in Thomas Pynchons V. in: STUDIES IN THE NOVEL, 29.1, Denton: Spring 1997, pp. 74-93. HAYLES, N. KATHERINE: Caught in the Web: Cosmology and the Point of (No) Return in Pynchons "Gravitys Rainbow," pp. 168-197, in: HAYLES, N. KATHERINE: Scientific Field Models and Literary Strategies in the Twentieth Century, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 208 pp. Literaturverzeichnis: 199-204. Robert M. Pirsig, D.H. Lawrence, Vladimir Nabokov, Jorge Luis Borges, Thomas Pynchon.
HELLER, ARNO: Gewaltphantasien:
Untersuchungen zu einem Phänomen des amerikanischen Gegenwartsromans,
Tübingen, Narr, 1990, 331 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 294-327. Interpretation:
Hubert Selby, Joyce Carol Oates, James Dickey, Walker Percy, Thomas Pynchon,
Ken Kesey, Robert Coover.
HITE, MOLLY: Ideas of Order in the Novels of Thomas Pynchon, Columbus, Ohio State Univ. Pr., 1983, X, 183 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 171-180. HOHMANN, CHARLES: Thomas Pynchons "Gravitys Rainbow": A Study of Its Conceptual Structure and of Rilkes Influence, Peter Lang (1987), 421 pp. American University Studies Series IV, English Language and Literature. HOLLANDER, CHARLES: Pynchons Inferno: A search for the sources of the well-known paranoia expressed in the works of our best-known recent alumnus author, CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS, Nov. 1978, pp. 24-30. HOLLANDER, CHARLES: Abrams Remembers Pynchon, PYNCHON NOTES 36-39, (1995-1996), pp. 179-80. HOLLANDER, CHARLES: Pynchon, JFK and the CIA: Magic Eye Views of "The Crying of Lot 49," PYNCHON NOTES 40-41, (1997), pp. 61-106. HOLLANDER, CHARLES: Pynchons Politics: The Presence of an Absence. PYNCHON NOTES 26-27, (1990), pp. 5-59. HOLLANDER, CHARLES: "Does McClintic Sphere in "V." Stand for Thelonius Monk?" Forthcoming in NOTES ON CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE. HOLTON, ROBERT: Real Imaginary Lines in "The Secret Integration," in: Pynchon Notes 40-41 (1997): 5-18. HORVATH, BROOKE AND IRVING MALIN (ED): Pynchon and "Mason & Dixon," University of Delaware Press, Newark, 2000.
Orpheus and the Orphic Voice in "Gravitys Rainbow,"
in: PHILOLOGICAL QUARTERLY, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Summer 1985, 64 (3),
pp. 299-315.
HUME, KATHRYN: Repetition and the Construction of Character in "Gravitys Rainbow," in: CRITIQUE, Summer 1992, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4, pp. 243-254.
![]() ICKSTADT, HEINZ, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981, 330 pp. Bibliographie pp. 324-330. IUDICELLO, KATHLEEN: Intruding Worlds and the Epileptic Word: Pynchons dialogue with the Laws of Surrealism and New Physics, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 505 (1999).
![]() JACKSON, ROBERT: Intertextualism: The Case of Pynchon and Patrick White, PYNCHON NOTES 46-49 (2000-2001), pp. 60-104. JOHNSTON, JOHN: Pynchons "Zone": A Postmodern Multiplicity, ARIZONA QUARTERLY, Vol. 46, No. 3, Autumn 1990, pp. 91-122.
![]() KEBBEL, GERHARD: Geschichtengeneratoren: Lektüren zur Poetik des historischen Romans, Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1992, 186 pp. Zugl.: Universität Köln, Diss., 1991. KEESEY, DOUGLAS: The Politics of Doubling in "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna," in: PYNCHON NOTES 24-25, 1989, pp. 5-19. KHARPERTIAN, THEODORE D.: A Hand to Turn the Time: the Menippean Satires of Thomas Pynchon, Rutherford, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press 1990, 176 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 159-168. KIHARA, YOSHIHIKO: Thomas Pynchon: Museifushugitekikiseki no Uchu [Thomas Pynchon: The Universe of Anarchist Miracle], Kyoto, Kyoto University Press, 2001. KING, VINCENT: Giving Destruction a Name and a Face: Thomas Pynchons "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna," in: STUDIES IN SHORT FICTION 35.1, 1998, pp. 13-21. KITTLER, FRIEDRICH: Medien und Drogen in Pynchons Zweitem Weltkrieg, p. 240-259, in: KAMPER, DIETMAR und REIJEN, WILLEM VAN (ED): Die unvollendete Vernunft: Moderne versus Postmoderne, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 1987, 572 pp. KOCELA, CHRISTOPHER: The Ends of Legal Fetishism: Oedipa Maas as Postmodern Cartographer, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 625 (1999). KOCELA, CHRISTOPHER: Re-Stenciling Lesbian Fetishism in Pynchons V., PYNCHON NOTES 46-49 (2000-2001), pp. 105-30. KOHN, ROBERT E.: Seven Buddhist Themes in Pynchons "The Crying of Lot 49," in: RELIGION AND LITERATURE, 35.1 (Spring 2003). KOCZAUER, BARBARA: Rock and Roll will never die, in: TAZ Nr. 3036 Seite 16-17, 17.02.1990 KOLBUSZEWSKA, ZOFIA: The Poetics of Chronotope in the Novels of Thomas Pynchon, Lublin, Learned Society of the Catholic University of Lublin, 2000. KUPSCH, KENNETH: Finding V. in: TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE, 44.4, Hempstead: Winter 1998. pp. 428-446.
![]() LALO, ALEXEJ: Thomas Pynchon and His America: Enigmas, Parallels, Cultural Contexts, [in Russian], Minsk, RIVSHBGU, 2001. THE LAWYERS STORY Legal Narrative E-Texts, Tarlton Law Library, The University of Texas at Austin. LAWRENCE, DAVID W.: Counterfeiting America in "Mason & Dixon," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 815 (1999). LEVERENZ, DAVID: Verwirrung an den Enden der Parabel, pp. 147-171, in: ICKSTADT, HEINZ, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981. Orig: On Trying to read "Gravitys Rainbow," in: LEVINE, GEORGE & LEVERENZ DAVID: Mindful Pleasures: Essays on Thomas Pynchon, Boston, Little, Brown, 1976, pp. 229-249.
![]() MADSEN, DEBORAH L.: The Postmodernist Allegories of Thomas Pynchon, Leicester Univ. Press, 1991, 146 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 135-144. MADSEN, DEBORAH L. Family Legacies: Identifying the Traces of William Pynchon in "Gravitys Rainbow," in: PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), pp. 29-48. MALTBY, PAUL: Dissident Postmodernists: Barthelme, Coover, Pynchon, Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1991, 215 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 199-206). MATHIJS, ERNEST: Reel to real: Film history in Pynchons "Vineland," LITERATURE/FILM QUARTERLY, 29.1. Salisbury, 2001, pp. 62-70. MATTESSICH, STEFAN: Ekphrasis, Escape, and Thomas Pynchons "The Crying of Lot 49," POSTMODERN CULTURE 8.3 (1998). MCCARRON, BILL: "Catch 22," "Gravitys Rainbow" and Lawlessness, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 665 (1999). MCHOUL, ALEC W., WILLS, DAVID: Writing Pynchon: Strategies in Fictional Analysis, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1990, IX, 239 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 225-232. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990. MCHUGH, PATRICK: Cultural politics, postmodernism, and white guys: Affect in "Gravitys Rainbow", COLLEGE LITERATURE, Vol.28, Iss. 2, pp. 128, West Chester, Spring 2001. MCLAUGHLIN, ROBERT L.: I.G. Farben and the War against Nature, pp. 319-336, in: FREESE, PETER (ED): Germany and German Thought in American Literature and Cultural Criticism: Proceedings of the German-American Conference in Paderborn, May 16-19, 1990, Essen, Die Blaue Eule, 1990. MEAD, CLIFFORD: Thomas Pynchon: A Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Materials, Elmwood Park, Ill., Dalkey Archive Pr., 1989, VIII, 176 pp. MELLEY, TIMOTHY: Empire of Conspiray, Ithaca, Cornell University Press 2000. MORAN, JAY P.: How is Pynchon Related to the Law?, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 449 (1999).
![]() NEWMAN, ROBERT D.: "Gravitys Rainbow": Personal Density and the Arc of Preterition, pp. 89-135, in: NEWMAN, ROBERT D.: Understanding Pynchon University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina, 1986, 155 pp. Literaturverz.: pp. 139-146. NIEMANN, NORBERT: Der Feind ist die Ich-Technologie: Versuch, Richtungen und Tendenzen für eine Prosa der 90er Jahre zu finden. KONZEPTE, Magazin für eine junge Literatur, 7. Jahrgang Juli/August 1990, pp. 3-12.
![]() O'DONNELL, PATRICK, ED.: New essays on "The Crying of Lot 49," Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991. OZIER, LANCE W.: Antipointsman/Antimexico: Some Mathematical Imagery in "Gravitys Rainbow," CRITIQUE 16. No. 2 (1974), pp. 73-90. OZIER, LANCE W.: Kalküle der Wandlung: Mathematische Bilder in "Die Enden der Parabel," pp. 172-196, in: ICKSTADT, HEINZ, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981. Orig. The Calculus of Transformation: More Mathematical Imagery in "Gravitys Rainbow," Twentieth Century Literature, 21 (1975), 193-210.
![]() PARK, EUNJUNG: A Study on Thomas Pynchon: Empire and the Postmodern [in Korean], Seoul, Daesun, 2000. CYRUS R.K. PATELL: Negative Liberties: Morrison, Pynchon, and the Problem of Liberal Ideology, Durham, NC, Duke UP, 2001. PEREZ-LLANTADA AURIA, CARMEN: Fiction at a Bifurcation Point: From Newtonian Law to Postmodern Uncertainty in Pynchons "Mason & Dixon," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 825 (1999). POENICKE, KLAUS: Senex, Puer und Pikaro und Pynchons "Enden der Parabel," in: ICKSTADT, HEINZ, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981, pp. 228-254. POENICKE, KLAUS: Die Rückkehr des Dionysos: Ordnung, Freiheit und Regression in "Gravitys Rainbow," in: HOFFMANN, G. (ED): Der zeitgenössische amerikanische Roman, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München 1988, Bd. 3, pp. 259-276. PRICE, VICTORIA H.: Christian Allusions in the Novels of Thomas Pynchon, New York, Lang, 1989, 264 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 239-245. PYNCHON NOTES Cumulative Bibliography Issues 1 46-49.
![]() REDFIELD, ROBERT AND HAYS, PETER L.: Fugue as Structure in Pynchons "Entropy," in: Pacific Coast Philology 12, 1977, pp. 50-55. RIESE, UTZ: Die Fiktionalisierung der Wirklichkeit, TAZ, 12.9.1987, pp.17-19. Zuerst veröffentlicht unter dem Titel: Thomas Pynchon: "Die Versteigerung von No. 49," in: WEIMARER BEITRÄGE, 32, Oktober 1986, pp. 1687-1698. REIJEN, WILLEM VAN: Post-Scriptum, p. 9-36, in: KAMPER, DIETMAR und REIJEN, WILLEM VAN (ED): Die unvollendete Vernunft: Moderne versus Postmoderne, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 1987, 572 pp. REILLY, TERRY: "Gravitys Rainbow," The Anabaptists Rebellions in Germany, 1525-35, and The Unfortunate Traveller, 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 705 (1999). REILLY, TERRY: A Couple-Three Bonzos: Introduction, "Slow Learner" and "1984," in: PYNCHON NOTES 44-45 (1999): 5-13. RUSSEL, CHARLES: Aporien der Postmoderne: Thomas Pynchon und die Schwerkraft der Systeme, pp. 255-280, in: ICKSTADT, HEINZ, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981. Orig. Signs, Systems and Subversion.
![]() SCHACHTERLE, LANCE: Pynchon and Cornell Engineering Physics, 1953-54, in: Pynchon Notes 26-27 (1990): 129-37. SCHAUB, THOMAS H.: Pynchon: The Voice of Ambiquity, Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1981, X, 165 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 155-160. SCHMUNDT-THOMAS, GEORG: Americas Germany and the Pseudo-Origins of Manned Spaceflight in "Gravitys Rainbow," pp. 337-354, in: FREESE, PETER (ED): Germany and German Thought in American Literature and Cultural Criticism, Proceedings of the German-American Conference in Paderborn, May 16-19, 1990, Essen, Die Blaue Eule, 1990. SCHROEDER, RANDY: Inheriting chaos: Burroughs, Pynchon, Sterling, Rucker, EXTRAPOLATION, 43.1. Kent, Spring 2002, pp. 89-98. SCHWAB, GABRIELE: Entgrenzungen und Entgrenzungsmythen: zur Subjektivität im modernen Roman, zu Daniel Defoe, Herman Melville, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Thomas Pynchon, Stuttgart, Steiner, 1987, 246 pp. Zugl.: Universität Konstanz, Univ., Habil.-Schr. SEED, DAVID: The Fictional Labyrinths of Thomas Pynchon, Iowa City, Univ. of Iowa Press, 1988. SHERMAN, DAVID R.: A Case Study in Legal Deconstruction: History, Community and Authority in "The Crying of Lot 49," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 641 (1999). SIEGEL, MARK: Pynchons Legal Landscape: Justice in "Mason & Dixon," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 439 (1999). SIEGERT, BERNHARD u. KRAJEWSKI, MARKUS (Hrsg.): Thomas Pynchon. Archiv Verschwörung Geschichte, Bd. 15 von [me:dien^i], hg. von Claus Pias, Joseph Vogl und Lorenz Engell, Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften, Weimar, 2003. SIMONS, JOHN: Third Story Man: Biblical Irony in Thomas Pynchons "Entropy," in: Studies in Short Fiction 14.1, 1977, pp. 88-93. SLADE, JOSEPH P.: The Physics of Heaven, pp. 173-220, in: SLADE, JOSEPH P.: Thomas Pynchon, Lang, New York u.a., 1990. SMETAK, JACQUELINE: Thomas Pynchons "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna": Major Themes in an Early Work, in: Iowa Journal of Literary Studies 4.1, 1993, pp. 65-76. SPENCER, NICHOLAS: The "Law" of Simulated War in "Gravitys Rainbow," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 681 (1999). STARK, JOHN O.: Pynchons Fictions: Thomas Pynchon and the Literature of Information, Athens, Ohio: Ohio Univ. Pr., 1980, IX, 183 pp. STEINER, WENDY: Collage or Miracle: Historicism on a Destructed World, pp. 323-351 in: BERCOVITCH, SACVAN (ED): Reconstructing American Literary History, Cambridge, Harvard University Press; 1986, T.S. Eliot: "The Waste Land" und Thomas Pynchon: "The Crying of Lot 49." STEVENSON, CHERYL ANNE: The Never-Last Word: Parody, Ideology, and the Open Work, in: Dissertation Abstract International, Febr. 1987 47 (8); 3033A-3034A.
![]() TABBI, JOSEPH: Pynchons "Entropy," in: The Explicator 43.1, 1984, pp. 61-3. TABBI, JOSEPH: The Medial Turn. Review of Fiction in the Quantum Universe and Information Multiplicity, in: PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998): 317-27. TANNER, TONY: The American Mystery: Essays on American Literature from Emerson to Pynchon, Cambridge University Press, April 2000. THOREEN, DAVID: The Presidents Emergency War Powers and the Erosion of Civil Liberties in Pynchons "Vineland," 24 OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 727 (1999). TYLEE, CLAIRE: Spot This Mumbo Jumbo: Thomas Pynchons Emblems for American Culture in "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna," in: PYNCHON NOTES 17 (1985): 52-72. Rev. and rpt. from REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES 10 (1985): 141-56.
![]() VANDERBEKE, DIRK: N Tropes for Entropy in Pynchons Early Works, in: PYNCHON NOTES 46-49 (2003): 35-59.
![]() WALLEN, JAMES R.: The Absurdist Heroine: A Wildean Critique of Pynchons Uncertain Aesthetic, at Spermatikos Logos. WAUGH, PATRICIA (ED.): Postmodernism: A Reader, London, Arnold, 1992, VIII, 226 pp. Literaturverz. pp. 219 - 223. WEISENBURGER, STEVEN: A "Gravitys Rainbow" Companion Sources and Contexts for Pynchons Novel, The University of Georgia Press, Athens & London 1988. WEISENBURGER, STEVEN: Haunted History and "Gravitys Rainbow," PYNCHON NOTES 42-43 (1998), pp. 12-28. WELLERSHOFF, DIETER: Im Sog der Entropie: Thomas Pynchons "Die Enden der Parabel," in: Merkur, 42 (6), Nr. 472, pp. 471-488. WHITE, ALLON: Ironic Equivalence: a reading of Thomas Pynchons "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna," in: Critical Quarterly 23.3, 1981, pp. 55-62. WINKLER, WILLI: V3; oder: Nach der Revolution, TAZ, 3. April 1993, pp. 13-15. WISNICKI, ADRIAN : A Trove on New Works by Thomas Pynchon? Bomarc Service News Rediscovered, PYNCHON NOTES 46-49, 2003, pp. 9-34. WINSTON, MATTHEW: Auf der Suche nach Pynchon, in: Ickstadt, Heinz, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981, pp. 306-322. Orig. The Quest for Pynchon, Twentieth Century Literature, 21, (1975), pp. 278-287. WOLFLEY, LAWRENCE C.: Parabeln der Verdrängung: Thomas Pynchon und die psychoanalytische Kulturkritik Norman O. Browns, in: Ickstadt, Heinz, (ED): Ordnung und Entropie, Zum Romanwerk von Thomas Pynchon, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1981, pp. 197-226. Orig. Repressions Rainbow: The Presence of Norman O. Brown in Pynchons Big Novel, PMLA, 92 (1977), pp. 873-889.
![]() ZADWORNA-FJELLESTAD, DANUTA: "Alices Adventures in Wonderland" and "Gravitys Rainbow": A Study in Duplex Fiction, Stockholm University 1986, 123 pp. |