Mason & Dixon Deep & Meaningful (MDDM)

Group Reading 2001–2002

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Discussion Schedule
‘Latitudes and Departures’

Ch. 1 pp 5-11 10 Sept. Judy Panetta
Chs 2-3 pp 12-29 17 Sept. Dave Monroe
Chs 4-5 pp 30-46 24 Sept.
Ch. 6 pp 47-57 1 Oct.
Ch. 7 pp 58-76 8 Oct. Michel Ryckx
Chs 8-9 pp 77-93 15 Oct. Michel Ryckx
Ch. 10 pp 94-104 22 Oct. Otto
Chs 11-12 pp 105-124 29 Oct.
Ch. 13 pp 125-145 5 Nov.
Chs 14-15 pp 146-166 12 Nov. Sam Moyer
Chs 16-17 pp 167-182 19 Nov.
Chs 18-19 pp 183-198 26 Nov.
Chs 20-21 pp 199-214 3 Dec. John Lundy
Chs 22-23 pp 215-227 10 Dec.
Chs 24-25 pp 238-253 17 Dec.


Chs 26-27 pp 257-274 7 Jan.
Ch. 28 pp 275-288 14 Jan. --John Bailey
Chs 29-30 pp 289-301 21 Jan. --Dave Monroe
Ch. 31 pp 302-314 28 Jan.
Ch. 32 pp 315-326 4 Feb.
Chs 33-34 pp 327-348 11 Feb. --Scott Badger
Ch. 35 pp 349-361 18 Feb. --Sam Moyer
Chs 36-37 pp 362-381 25 Feb. --Dave Monroe
Chs 38-39 pp 382-398 4 Mar.
Chs 40-41 pp 399-421 11 Mar.
Chs 42-43 pp 422-439 18 Mar. --Michel Ryckx
Chs 44-45 pp 440-451 25 Mar. --John Bailey
Chs 46-47 pp 452-465 1 Apr. --Sam Moyer
Chs 48-49 pp 466-483 8 Apr. --Cyrus & Prokopis

Chs 50-51 May 6 --Dave Monroe
Ch. 52 May 13
Ch. 53 May 20
Ch. 54 May 27
Chs 55-56 June 3
Chs 57-58 June 10 --John Bailey
Ch. 59 June 17
Ch. 60 June 24
Chs 61-62 July 8
Chs 63-65 July 15
Ch. 66 July 22
Chs 67-68 July 29
Ch. 69 August 5
Chs 70-71 August 12 --Dave Monroe
Chs 72-73 August 19
‘Last Transit’

Ch. 74 Sept 1
Chs 75-6 Sept 8 --Dave Monroe
Ch. 77 Sept 15
Ch. 78 Sept 22

To sign up for a host or co-host slot just type your name and repost the schedule to the list.

“Next to the Equator the Most Widely Known Line in the World”

Mason-Dixon Line Mason-Dixon Line, boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland (running between lat. 39°43'26.3''N and lat. 39°43'17.6''N), surveyed by the English astronomers Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon between 1763 and 1767. The ambiguous description of the boundaries in the Maryland and Pennsylvania charters led to a protracted disagreement between the proprietors of the two colonies; the dispute was submitted to the English court of chancery in 1735. A compromise between the Penn and Calvert families in 1760 resulted in the appointment of Mason and Dixon. By 1767 the surveyors had run their line 244 mi (393 km) W from the Delaware border, every fifth milestone bearing the Penn and Calvert arms. The survey was completed to the western limit of Maryland in 1773; in 1779 the line was extended to mark the southern boundary of Pennsylvania with Virginia (the present-day West Virginia). Before the Civil War the term “Mason-Dixon Line” popularly designated the boundary dividing the slave states from the free states, and it is still used to distinguish the South from the North.
Encyclopedia Com
Mason-Dixon Line

„Die Sklaverei war das sine qua non des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs. Gab es darüber hinaus einen grundlegenden Konflikt zwischen der Kultur des Nordens und des Südens? Hatten sich im Antebellum zwei verschiedene Lebensstile und Denkweisen entwickelt? War der Krieg die Folge einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen zwei Gesellschaftsformen? Muß man die Mason-Dixon-Linie auch als Kulturgrenze verstehen?”
(Gert Raeithel, Geschichte der nordamerikanischen Kultur, Band 2: Vom Bürgerkrieg bis zum New Deal 1860-1930, Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt 1995, p. 11-12)

reprinted with permission from: The Mason & Dixon Line Preservation Partnership

The Line

The Mason-Dixon Line – massive information from John Cletheroe’s USA and Canada Holiday Hints
Mason Dixon Antique Trail – apart from the nice map you can purchase furniture here.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Vol. 58 Dec 1768 Tab. XIV p. 325
Historical Map of the Boundaries I
Historical Map of the Boundaries II
Historical Map of the Boundaries III
Details from the Map of the Boundary Survey between Maryland and Pennsylvania
The Mason-Dixon Line – map and short history.
Mary – Mason and Dixon’s Line – historical texts and papers as gifs–very recommended.
The Running of Mason and Dixon’s Line (1763-1767) – historical documents at the Afro-American Almanac.
The Mason and Dixon Line – from the “The History of Caroline County, Maryland”
The States’ Linesmen – by John Dugdale.
The Mason-Dixon Line – A Short History by Robert B. Van Atta, Tribune-Review, Greensburg, PA, Sunday, November 12, 2000.
Mason & Dixon Line Preservation Partnership – Location of the stones set by Mason and Dixon using Global Positioning System – see the stones! I would like to thank Todd Babcock for making it possible to reproduce the images here.
Charles Mason Biography
Jeremiah Dixon Biography

Raleigh Tavern

Vaucanson’s Duck

“If our world survives, the next great challenge to watch out for will come – you heard it here first – when the curves of research and development in artificial intelligence, molecular biology and robotics all converge. Oboy. It will be amazing and unpredictable.…”
Thomas Pynchon, Is It O.K. To Be A Luddite?
Crescendo of the Virtuoso. Spectacle, Skill, and Self-Promotion in Paris during the Age of Revolution – Chap. 5. Robert-Houdin and the Vogue of the Automaton-Builders: 1. Predecessors of Robert-Houdin: Vaucanson, Jaquet-Droz, Kempelen, Maelzel – by Paul Metzner.
Vaucanson’s Duck– Image
Wise guys and living dolls – “The line between machine and man has fascinated inventors and tricksters down the centuries. Gaby Wood examines a life and death matter in Living Dolls” – by Simon Schaffer, Observer, Sunday February 24, 2002.
Living Dolls: A Magical History Of The Quest For Mechanical – by Gaby Wood.
A Happening Thing – by Hillel Schwartz.
Science historian examines the 18th-century quest for ‘artificial life’ – by Etienne Benson.
(Thanks to Dave Monroe and John Bailey)

Chapter 10 Summary Chapter 10 Notes
Mason & Dixon Weblinks (Essays and Reviews)

Index Hauptseite Vorwort Die Parabel Dekonstruktion Michael D. Bell Summary Biographie Literatur Richard Fariña Robert Frost Galerie Luddism Monographien u. Aufsätze Muster - Patterns Schweine Slow Learner Soccer Proverbs for Paranoids Wernher von Braun Sterblichkeit und Erbarmen in Wien Weiterführende Literatur The Wizard of Oz Fay Wray The Zero Pynchon Web-Links Homepage Page up/Seitenanfang

© Otto Sell – Wednesday, September 05, 2001
Last update Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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