Dec. 6, 2002 |
Introduction: Nov. 1 - 26
host: Dave Monroe
The Small Rain: Dec 2 - 20
holiday break (road trip to Germany)
Lowlands: Jan 6 - 24
Entropy: Jan 25 - Feb 7
Under the Rose: Feb 8 - 28
The Secret Integration: Mar 1 - 21
Mortality and Mercy in Vienna: Mar 22 - April 10
StoriesThe Small Rain, Cornell Writer, Vol. 6, No. 2 (March 1959): 14-32.Low-lands, New World Writing 16, Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1960. 85-108. Entropy, Kenyon Review, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Spring 1960): 27-92. Under the Rose, Noble Savage 3 (1961): 233-51. The Secret Integration, Saturday Evening Post No. 235 (19-26 December 1964): 36-37, 39, 42-44, 46-49, 51. Mortality and Mercy in Vienna, Epoch, Vol. 9, No. 4 (Spring 1959): 195-213. Mortality and Mercy in Vienna PDF courtesy of David Gentle. Slow Learner Stories: 19591964, Little, Brown & Company 1984 Spätzünder Frühe Erzählungen Rowohlt 1985/1994 Vorwort zu "Spätzünder" in: Utz Riese (45-66) "Entropie" ibid (66-83) |
LinksThe Apprenticeship of Thomas Pynchon by Michael Wood, April 15, 1984, The New York Times.Homoerotic Bonding as Escape from Heterosexual Responsibility in Pynchons "Slow Learner" by Mark D. Hawthorne, Fall 2000. Thomas Pynchon: "Low-lands" Takahashi-sans Site in Japanese with a synopsis in English. Thomas Pynchon (b. 1937) Derek C. Maus zu Pynchon und "Entropy" in der Heath Anthology of American Literature. Quotations from "Slow Learner" Ed Doolittle. Cervantine Echoes in Early Pynchon by Carole Holdsworth. From: Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 8.1 (1988): pp. 47-53. "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna" the story that is not included in "Slow Learner." "Sterblichkeit und Erbarmen in Wien" die deutsche Übersetzung (Manuskripte, Zeitschrift für Literatur, 23. Jahrgang, 80. Heft der Gesamtfolge, Graz 1983, pp. 3-11).
BibliographyBarnett, Stuart: Refused Readings: Narrative and History in "The Secret Integration." Pynchon Notes 22-23 (1988): pp. 79-85.Booker, M. Keith: A Probable Source for the Title of "The Small Rain." Pynchon Notes 22-23 (1988): pp. 75-77. Chambers, Judith: "The Short Stories: The Emerging Voice," at: Chambers, Judith: Thomas Pynchon, New York, Twayne (1992), pp. 14-40. Darabaner, Richard: A Possible Source for the Title of "The Small Rain." Pynchon Notes 15 (1984): pp. 69-72. den Boef, August Hans: Thomas Pynchon. Dietsche Warande en Belfort, Jrg. 130, Okt. 1985, Nr. 8, pp. 592-598. Duyfhuizen, Bernard: An Index to Pynchons Shorter Works. Pynchon Notes 36-39 (1995-1996): pp. 7-34. Hollander, Charles: Pynchons Politics: The Presence of an Absence. Pynchon Notes 26-27 (1990): pp. 5-59. Holton, Robert: Real Imaginary Lines in "The Secret Integration." Pynchon Notes 40-41 (1997): pp. 5-18. McHoul, Alec and Wills, David: Writing Pynchon: Strategies in Fictional Analysis (Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1990), Ch. 5, "Almost But Not Quite Me ," pp. 131-62. Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1990. Keesey, Douglas: The Politics of Doubling in "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna." Pynchon Notes 24-25, 1989, pp. 5-19. King, Vincent: Giving Destruction a Name and a Face: Thomas Pynchons "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna." Studies in Short Fiction 35.1, 1998, pp. 13-21. Newman, Robert D.: Understanding Pynchon (University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina 1986), Ch. 2: "Slow Learner: Establishing Foundations" (pp. 12-33). Redfield, Robert and Hays, Peter L.: Fugue as Structure in Pynchons "Entropy." Pacific Coast Philology 12, 1977, pp. 50-55. Reilly, Terry: A Couple-Three Bonzos: Introduction, "Slow Learner" and "1984." Pynchon Notes 44-45 (1999): pp. 5-13. Schachterle, Lance: Pynchon and Cornell Engineering Physics, 1953-54. Pynchon Notes 26-27 (1990): pp. 129-37. Simons, John: Third Story Man: Biblical Irony in Thomas Pynchons "Entropy." Studies in Short Fiction 14.1, 1977, pp. 88-93. Smetak, Jacqueline: Thomas Pynchons "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna": Major Themes in an Early Work. Iowa Journal of Literary Studies 4.1, 1993, pp. 65-76. Tabbi, Joseph: Pynchons "Entropy." The Explicator 43.1, 1984, pp. 61-3 Tylee, Claire: Spot This Mumbo Jumbo: Thomas Pynchons Emblems for American Culture in "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna." Pynchon Notes 17 (1985): pp. 52-72. Rev. and rpt. from Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 10 (1985): pp. 141-56. Vanderbeke, Dirk: N Tropes for Entropy in Pynchons Early Works. Pynchon Notes 4649 (2003): pp. 35-59. Winkler, Willi: Programm: Weltuntergang. Die frühen Erzählungen von Thomas Pynchon. Merkur, Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, Heft 4, April 1986, 40. Jahrgang, pp. 337-339. White, Allon: Ironic Equivalence: a reading of Thomas Pynchons "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna." Critical Quarterly 23.3, 1981, pp. 55-62. |