Neal Stephenson
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Cryptonomicon Offizielle Webseite mit Kurzbiographie, längerem Textauszug (die ersten sechs Kapitel auf Englisch), dem Essay: In the Beginning was the Command Line sowie einem Interview mit dem Autor. Cryptonomicon Auszug aus dem 2. Kapitel (Barrens) auf deutsch. Cryptonomicon ein 19-seitiger Textauszug auf englisch. Neal Stephenson on Zeta Function Cryptography Neal Stephenson äußert sich in einer E-Mail zu dem Thema, das in seinem Roman eine so besondere Rolle spielt. Cryptonomicon cypher-FAQ "Frequently Anticipated Questions" by Neal Stephenson. Es ist immer nett, wenn sich der Autor eines solchen Romans zu Fragen äußert, die zu erwarten sind. In the Beginning was the Command Line by Neal Stephenson. Neal Stephenson Decodes Cryptonomicon ein Amazon-Special mit einem Stephenson-Interview. Click Here "Neal Stephensons novel foreshadows an encoded future that had its beginnings in World War II." By Dwight Garner. New York Times Book Review, May 23, 1999. "Stephensons antiquated commitment to narrative, his Dickensian brio, is part of what makes his gargantuan new novel, "Cryptonomicon," distinct from the other outsize slabs of post-modern fiction weve seen recently David Foster Wallaces "Infinite Jest," Don DeLillos "Underworld," Thomas Pynchons "Mason & Dixon." For all the pleasures scattered throughout those books, theyre dry, somewhat forbidding epics that beckon industrious graduate students while checking the riffraff at the door. "Cryptonomicon," on the other hand, is a wet epic as eager to please as a young-adult novel, it wants to blow your mind while keeping you well fed and happy. For the most part, it succeeds. Its brain candy for bitheads." Review: Cryptonomicon by Nathan Bruinooge: "With Cryptonomicon, Neal Stephenson has made two leaps at once: from cyberpunk-informed science fiction to a modern-day technothriller, and from novels of sensible length to a 900+ page whopper. He has pulled it off, and them some this is a book with book with both guts and soul. It is his best novel yet. Cryptonomicon Review by Richard Behrens, The Modern Word. Losing the Code War "The great age of code breaking is overand with it much of our ability to track the communications of our enemies." By Stephen Budiansky, The Atlantic Monthly, February 2002. Der "Solitaire" Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus eine geringfügig andere Übersetzung (Nils Plaumann) des Textes von Bruce Schneier, der dem Roman als Anhang (pp. 1172-1181) beigefügt ist. The Course of the Empire Takes its Way "Neil Stephensons Roman "Cryptonomicon" Laptop-Cowboys verkünden die frohe Botschaft von Individualismus und Kapitalismus." Von Volker Hummel, Telepolis, 08.12.1999. Future Matic William Gibson und Neal Stephenson: zwei gegenteilige Ansichten vom kalifornischen Traum. Rezensiert von Volker Hummel. Cryptonomicon die Kritik des Chaos Computer Club Cologne. Die müssens ja wissen. Cryptonomicon von Wolfgang Treß, Alien Contact: "Mit Cryptonomicon hat Neal Stephenson die Science-Fiction-Gemeinde in Richtung »anspruchsvolle Literatur« verlassen. Oder er hat sie dorthin mitgenommen wie mans nimmt." Sagen des 21. Jahrhunderts eine Cryptonomicon Rezension von Thomas Haselberger. Neal Stephenson Cryptonomicon eine Kurzrezension mit Kurzbiographie ohne Autorenangabe. Zurück in die Gegenwart Cryptonomicon Rezension, erschienen im Netpol-Digest 18 (1999-12-01). Neal Stephenson bei Perlentaucher. Kurzbiographie und Rezensionen zu Diamond Age - Die Grenzwelt, Cryptonomicon und Snow Crash. Neal Stephenson: Cryptonomicon eine Kritik von Ekkehard Knörer, Kurzbiographie und Links. Bletchley Park Home of Ultra "Britains Best Kept Secret!" Project X Bletchley Park Groups Website. Station X The official Bletchley Park website. "During WW2 the German armed forces top secret codes were broken at Bletchley Park, providing the allies with vital information towards their war effort. The worlds first programmable computer and other technologies we take for granted today were initiated at Bletchley Park." Enigma: Allied Breaking of Naval Enigma prepared by Ralph Erskine. Der Pazifische Krieg und sein Vorspiel Hausarbeit von Dominik Schwarz, Fachbereich Japanologie, Universität Trier, 01/2003. Chronik der Ereignisse Pazifikkrieg 1941-1945.
![]() Neal Stephensons Past, Present, and Future The author of the widely praised "Baroque Cycle" on science, markets, and post-9/11 America Interviewed by Mike Godwin, February 2005: Reason: A critic once said of Thomas Pynchon that he was one of the few modern novelists for whom what the characters do for a living is more defining than what their emotional relationships are. It seems to me that you have that same focus. In The Baroque Cycle, the biggest romantic relationship in Daniel Waterhouses life occurs mostly offstage, unless you count his difficult friendship with Isaac Newton. |