Wassily Kandinsky

Über das Geistige in der Kunst

hier zitiert von:

William Carlos Williams, Prologue to Kora in Hell,
Selected Poems,
New Directions 1969.

“Kandinsky in his, Ueber das Geistige in der Kunst,
sets down the following axioms for the artist:”

“Every artist has to express himself.
Every artist has to express his epoch.
Every artist has to express the pure and
Eternal qualities of the art of all men.”


Kandinsky Images on the Web

Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)

Wassily Kandinsky – Some Paintings

WebMuseum, Paris – Kandinsky, Wassily

Kandinsky: Compositions – A Review by Mark Harden.

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Last update Sunday, August 29, 2004

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